
by Vasil Kolev

Blogcamp is over.

I was at a party the night before and overslept a bit in, got there at 11 (why the hell was the discussion so early, fuck knows).
Мина blogcamp-а.

The discussion on the eavesdropping, etc. showed the total lack of understanding of the regulation and what’s it about (which I’ll write on separately, or will just wait for Boyan to start his blog and write it :) ), there were a lot of statements that didn’t have a lot to do with the topic and some really good. Maybe next time we’ll have to publish one analysis of the whole thing beforehand and then talk about it…

There was also an interesting discussion on the idea for a print version of the blogs – looks like it will be interesting, so let’s see, Tihomir Dimitrov and Eneya have started working seriously on it. In the discussion it was also seen pretty well what happens when you put together a lot of people that are used mostly to write – at some moments there was even shouting.

I met a lot of people, passed to Brand, slept for 20 minutes under one table and went home to finish the nap before the celbration of the crocodile birthday in Krivoto (which will be described in the next posting).

The event was useful mostly because we could gather, see each other and talk. Next time it could be in the park with some beers and no equipment, just to talk :)

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