2009-03-16 sleep, sleep

by Vasil Kolev

‘m not a big fan of blog games (although in the beginning I found some of them interesting), but I can’t miss a good idiocy

So, the quick question is, with which of the women whose blogs I read, would I sleep with.

One of the most important things a woman needs to know about the men is that with the right circumstances the man would sleep with ANY woman. The circumstances might be really hard to achieve (like 20 years lack of sex and a good quantity of alcohol with viagra), but that doesn’t really change the rule.
So, the women I read aren’t a lot – looking at the aggregator config there are 114 feeds, 4-5 are not people, and from the rest the following are women:
Antonia (married), Alexandra Kostova (hasn’t written in a long time), Vesela Angelova (married), Illa Petrova, Nevena Gyurova (disappeared and anyway has other inclinations), Nelly Ognyanova, Magdalina and Chris (damn, I can’t think of a good enough comment about threesomes), Irina Marudina, LeeAnn, Seki (she hasn’t written since she left for Brussels), Rumiko (disappeared), Eneya, iffi, whatsthatcrap (too far away), puresmile, windy, Hristina…

Looking and counting – 17 blogs, so about 14% of the things I read (come feminist, eat me alive), I’m too lazy to do stats on size (will probably be less). Not to destroy my reputation (ha.ha.ha.) and because of my self-preservation instincts I’ll mostly keep quiet (for example, I might say something about iffi and a curly-haired guy might come back from Germany to break my head :) ), but the explanation in the beginning sould be good enough :) Otherwise – I mostly read these ladies, some of them I’ve never seen live, of some of them I haven’t seen a picture too, so …
(and thinking about it, I haven’t slept with any of those. It’s a bit sad.)

When I think a bit on my criteria for liking women (e.g. to be interesting and not to run away from me screaming, mostly), there should be a lot of those between the bloggers. The problem is that not only I can find them there (being easily visible) and as I tend to be lazy, they’re mostly taken.

In the starter posting there was the thing to write what would I do with any of the girls – but this is something that’s between me and them (one by one, I’m lazy), and it’s mostly the same, so it would be boring to explain. I have no recollection of someone complaining, though …
(which might be attributed to some memory-erasing events :) )

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