2009-08-27 mediaproxy

by Vasil Kolev


In the last few days I’ve been trying to move a service to a new machine and I’ve been hitting some really stupid problems. The service itself is mostly opensips+openxcap+mediaproxy, running presence, messaging and some calls and works well, but the machine it’s on is currently running in chroot on its second drive (as the first one died some time ago and I had to do some really nasty acrobatics so anything could work on it, and it definitely won’t survive a reboot. I even had to “fix” a problem on the database with writing zeroes at the end of one the data files) and has started to get overloaded (and, of course, we have to vacate that co-location).

So, I started to do the new installation (the new machine is x86_64, the old – i686). Most of the old sources I copied (I have some patches for opensips that still aren’t accepted and I’ll see if they’ll stay in this shape), compiled, started, it works, but I hit a problem with mediaproxy – turned out that they don’t have anywhere the version I want (2.3.2), they have only the newest one, which wants some of the latest stuff, not the things found on debian stable (and they, being such nice folks, provide packages for debian unstable)… After a few days of looking through archives, etc. I decided to bite the bullet, swore loudly twice and installed a chroot with debian unstable in it, in which to run the poor mediaproxy. After which I found out how the amd64 archive is broken, one package is version 2.3.4, the others 2.3.6 and the dependencies are on the exact version.
Damn it.

People, please come back from vacation and fix your stuff. August is almost over.

(and yes, downloading sources and doing “make -f debian/rules binary” in the chroot finally worked).

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