2004-09-27 22:16

by Vasil Kolev

The morning began with going through “Slaveykov”, where I picked up “Fight club” (to have in Bulgarian), and “Survivor”, again by Chuck Palahnuik (which is going to make me to leave “Dead souls” for a while. Then I went through “Divaka” for a paunch soup, to come back in the real world, and then went to the project’s office.

Now it looks better, since we cleaned up the cabling mess this saturday, and when I put up the door of the rack, the whole room started looking better :)

For about a hour I was able to patch up the tool that we were using to demonstrate blind tcp spoofing to reset tcp connections, and integrated in in the system (with a script, that was talking to tcpdump). There were some stupid moments, like atol() not being able to parse the sequence numbers, so I had to resort to atoll(), but except that there weren’t any serious problems (I found out that hping2 had the exact same problem :) ). I then integrated in the system, tested everything, and found out that the retarded device is really sending an arp request every 3 minutes, it really doesn’t care about the replies. I passionately hate this device, and its controlling program, and all around it – it doesn’t even support SNMP, damn it… I thought about patching the firmware (because we have the binary images), but I prefer to bitch at the guys that installed it.

After that I went home, ate some toast, and fixed some stuff on the Openfest site (Sebastian was whining through the day, but I was busy). Now I’m thinking about going to bed with the book, I really don’t feel like standing in front of the machine :)

One Response to “2004-09-27 22:16”

  1. debt consolidation Says:

    487 ya know eredclips

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