2004-10-30 21:43

by Vasil Kolev

Yesterday I didn’t blog, because I felt sleepy in the afternoon, and fell asleep around 6… I woke up for a while around 23, because the alarm of one apartment from the building across the street was screaming for about half a hour, but then I fell asleep again. I can’t remember what I did that day :)

In the morning me and Velin started tormenting ftp.uni-sofia.bg – we tried to install Boyan Krosnov’s traffic stats system, but it turned out that it wasn’t working with the version of perl there (5.8, marla uses 5.6) (Boyan, the problem is that the things that go out from XML::Dumper can’t be imported for some reason, if you have the time, call on ICQ). This information will be handy when I decide to upgrade marla from woody to sarge.

Nothing more interesting – I’m reading Wikipedia and unable to stop. I’m apathetic, and have to prepare myself for the Tuesday’s lecture, to write something on the way that I did the live broadcast of the OpenFest, and to see what will I do with one shared storage…

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