2004-11-19 01:42

by Vasil Kolev

I’ve watched the DVD with Chomsky, there’s really something depressing in it. He’s right about the fact that everything is right in front of us, and we’re trying not to see it. Peio, the dvd encoding is done with the following small script:

for title in `seq 1 $NUMTITLES`; do
	for pass in 1 2 ; do 
		mencoder -slang en dvd://$title -o rip.$title.avi -oac copy -ovc lavc \
			-lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vhq:v4mv:vpass=$pass -vf lavcdeint -zoom -xy 0.75 -vf scale

(NUMTITLES is the count of titles on the dvd :) )
Right now I’m encoding it, should be ready tomorrow (it’s working with 23 fps, and has to do two passes).

The netsec test passed, not without fun moments… In the beginning I was going downstairs to get something to eat, and met Velin with one of the cats (not the IPSec one), going to the hall, so the first group of students was under cat supervision, too. In the tests there were some mistakes – at places there were two equal answers, and for the next test we’ll have another generator, even if I have to write it. We managed to grade all tests there (most of that was done by Zhoro, kudos:) ), and to record the results directly on Zhoro’s laptop, so they’ll be online tomorrow. I was able to sort the tests according to students’ faculty number, and to pull the comments (which ranged from how nice the course is, to one that said that some of us (I think it meant me) weren’t able to teach). This year there’s no one with 30 points, which isn’t good…

I had a (not really nice) instant soup for dinner, and I remembered that I haven’t eaten lentils in a long time – I’ll dig a recipe from somewhere, and cook some.

Orkut is so screwed, that it dies with error on connection. Idiot.

I’ve started writing the Personal Co-location howto, right now only on paper, but if I have enough time, I’ll soon start spamming some people with preliminary versions for review :) I’ll just have to get new pens, because the last ones ran out…

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