2004-11-24 23:28

by Vasil Kolev

I’m finished with reading Molotov – the second volume is mostly propaganda, at some points I really wonder if this guy believes himself. I had a hard time finishing it, and then started rereading Cryptonomicon, and I hope that The Confusion will show up on the bookstores around Christmas.

The spam in the blog is murderous. I’m deleting it when there’s a normal comment which needs approval.

Tomorrow it’s a day without lectures, I’ll have time to work on some other stuff – like the personal colocation howto, if there’s nothing in the project to do – today we weren’t able to make the test, because the disk of chervarium’s main bgp speaker died, and he had to work on it.

At IBB it was fun, but I got between two women (Slavka and Cristina), who made my hair into two tresses (what is this with my hair, are there any pheromones in it?).

Tomorrow I’ll be putting more memory in marla, I warned the people in the mailing list a few minutes ago.

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