2004-11-27 22:06

by Vasil Kolev

I managed to do nothing work-related today…

In the morning we met Lora, and the three of us (with Velin) went to Technopolis, where we picked a vacuum cleaner (and Velin got upset that he couldn’t snatch some loudspeakers under his jacket and to bring them home), and they went for Pazardzhik. They wanted to take me, too, but I wasn’t feeling well for some reasons, looks like I still hate to travel.

They left me home, where I was coming back to my senses for a while, and then I did a test of the vacuum cleaner, e.g. cleaned for a hour and a bit – there was a incredible quantity of dust it the corners and some other strange places, I had to move pars of the furniture, but in the end now everything looks better, and the air isn’t that filled with dust.

After that I ate, and lied down to read Cryptonomicon, after which I fell asleep, and napped until now. There were some ideas at first to go to Pentchev at some cabin in Vitosha, where they had a nice fireplace, in front of which to read, and from Velin, to go at some places for a coffee, etc., but my desire for sleep was a lot greater thatn them :) The couch was a good place for it.

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