2004-12-27 02:18
by Vasil KolevI had forgotten what was to debug a problem in the early morning… I couldn’t go to sleep, so I decided to look at the machine, which was buzzing from time to time.
The problem with the buzzing got fixed easy, with the loosening of a screw, but after that I found out that the fan of the processor is silent, and decided to work on it – I looked in the BIOS, played about a hour with lm-sensors (and found a lot of weird stuff), and in the evening I moved the processor’s fan to another outlet on the motherboard, and linked the rear fan direclty to the 5V. Let’s see how much will it will cool.
I almost finished the books that I had bought (only the last by Saberhagen is left), and then I’ll see what’s left…
Orkut is not really dead, but it’s (still) really slow.
Tonight I might work on something else…