2005-02-13 00:45

by Vasil Kolev

The day passed mostly in tinkering with a toy with some SCSI channels, that we even discovered how can be crashed, with a reset/activity on some of the channels. Tomorrow we’ll be continuing, with some cluster work and the GFS, and some more fun tests.

In the evening we somewhat decided the “Hambar” lecture, ant up to now looks like that someone else will be talking, and I’ll be only the tech stuff in the back, and will have to take care of some of the video that we’ll be showing. Because of that I remastered the “Mastika” clip – turns out that I’ve made it with a faster version (they have about 3 seconds difference, which directly kills all the sync), so I had to readjust the framerate, etc. I’ll work on it a some more, and will upload it.

The neuralgy isn’t giving up, but neither am I.

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