2005-02-21 23:45

by Vasil Kolev

In the morning I was able to meet my mother, to visit with her “Slaveykov” (where I bought the third “Taltoss” book) and the bookstore above “Orange” (where I found “No logo”), so now I have what to read… I felt sleepy through the day, I’m thinking about getting some sleep every afternoon.

At some point me and Zhoro got to TU for the first lecture of the course – Yovko and Bobson were already there, so we discussed the lecture a bit, and watched the hall fill up. We managed to pack 400 people in a hall for 200, I can’t remember something like it … I hope that Zhoro will upload the pictures soon, to have it documented.

The lecture itself went well – Bobson was somewhat stopping and missed some stuff (next time I’ll rehearse his parts with him :) ), and Yovko was a bit quiet (but even the people in the back were hearing him, everyone was listening with real interest). It was damn fun, especially the using of apples and bananas by Yovko, I think that it will remain in history :) The people laughed with pleasure at the different jokes, I even once got booed a bit about the idea how much are the students there drinking (it was about the part of the nettiquette “Don’t post when drunk”, if you want to know why – do a google search on the words ‘zler’, ‘bair’ and ‘gladuvane’).

After the lecture (it took some time to get out :) ) we had a meeting of the Network security team at “Toronto”, to discuss the course. We have no changes in the program, distributed all the tasks and lectures, had some interesting conversations, and got home. The first lecture is this Wednesday ad 19:00, AFAIK again in 325, and I just posted a note about it in the forum.

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