2005-03-17 08:59

by Vasil Kolev

As some people will say, good morning, although it’s not really clear what’s good about it :)

Yesterday it turned out that someone had reserved tables for IBB – Bobson and company did drink there ’till the morning of the previous day, and made reservations. In the end I’ll probably make a mailing list, to be known who reserves tables, and who’s coming.

It was fun as ever – Slavka showed after three months of absence, and was again watching sadly (she say that it’s the way she normally looks, but we don’t trust her), chervarium and Delian again spoke about a lot of things (there are some sheets in my bag on which they wrote, I might try decoding them if I have enough time), and I spoke with one of the people that builds the network in the blocks of TU (about this conversation – later). It’s not really clear how much did we drink, probably around 4-5 jugs of wine and a nice quantity of beer (I stuck to the wine), in the end I was drunk enough to need to eat a paunch soup before going home… Looking at my mail today, last night I’ve sent a mail while drunk, which is disturbingly clear, looks like I have enough training :)

While drinking and talking, we got to the idea of a global addressing plan for the network in Studentski grad – 10.XX/16, XX – number of the block. I gave an idea to the guy from TU to make a meeting of everyone who’s pulling cables there, to migrate to this plan, and one day the whole network to be able to hear the other parts. The other idea is a mailing list of all such people there, to exchange experience and swear words :)
(I remember that I again drew schematics how to build such networks. It’s time to write a paper on it.)

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