whine whine whine whine

by Vasil Kolev

Last night and through the day I didn’t have connection – again some cabling problem. I should get my modem back, and use it as a backup.
Having nothing to do, I did some exercises, and the whole day after I had a muscle fever almost everywhere. Sometimes I even amaze myself how absent-minded am I.
(Not to mention that even with bandages and gloves my bones hurt when punching the boxing bag. I should be more careful.)

The day was nothing great – I finished reading Mark Twain’s book on Mississippi, went to the anime meeting, went through Zhoro’s office to read my mail (and to find out that the cabling problem is fixed), and then went home.

Tomorrow there’s the linux-bg seminar, for the first time I’m working on an event that I know so little about, and it seems pretty confused to me. I have no idea if there will be the needed equipment for the live feed, if we’ll have connectivity, I had no idea what the lectures will be until yesterday, and on top of all that I got told that we’ll be projecting Lessig’s lecture, so I’ll have to bring it – ok, but they’re three, whoch one?(I’m bringing them all…). I have no idea if there will be some audio equipment, or we’ll have to resort to some laptop’s (miserable) sound output…
I should’ve started asking and working on this stuff, but I feel a bit deprived of strength. I still haven’t bought a ticket for Irfan’s concert – I’m planning to do it on Monday, if someone else’s interested, call me to thing up something.

Also we should clear up who and how will travel to Stara Zagora for the seminar, and I have to write my lecture. And in fact I want to sleep, sleep, sleep, and wake up for what the hack, for example…

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