2007-03-23 12:23

by Vasil Kolev

Yesterday I went to “Alexander Nevski” to see what the other protest was, that was the reason to reschedule the protest for the freedom in Internet. There were no people for any other protest – there were just a bunch of journalists and some people that had decided to come to see what was happening… I met some friends, we spoke, told the policemen that were passing that we’re here just to see some friends… It was extremely funny how the police was looking for a gentle way to get us out of there, and seems like they were expecting us, looking at the count of people and cars there.
It was laughable. And we’ll meet again Saturday :)
(in the other blogs there is also some information on the event – I found this and this)

In the evening there was the lecture for TCP, which I presented. I think it was pretty obvious how asleep I was, but I managed to explain the basics of the protocol and most of the attacks on it, and seems like the students even understood it :) This time I was only with Marian, and it seems extremely hard to do this without at least one more person (and good thing he brought his laptop, to have somewhere to show my presentation from – mine is used for the video recordings). Here are the recordings themselves, part 1 and part 2.

(I again feel extremely sleepy, and to top it in the morning I dreamed on how we moved the office in a really cool basement. I’m slooowly getting crazy…)

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