2007-09-23 00:08

by Vasil Kolev

Again I forgot to write this week…

The week was one of those that leaves mostly the memory of the overload – no things started or things finished (or if there were any, they got lost in the stream), at the end of the day you want to go to sleep, and in the morning you can’t find the meaning of getting up.
Typical end of the vacation season.
(not that it was too much of a holiday season, seems like I’ve taken only 5-6 days from my paid vacation this year).

On top of this we were finally able to start testing something that we need to deploy Sunday and to be used Monday, and got in the situation of the person that found for the first time that not everything that flies is edible … We have to fix some final problems Sunday and to really hope that this works.
(Monday morning we again need to be there, to see how exactly will it die when it goes live)

Fuck that! We’ll make it work, and I’ll get enough sleep some day, if the life offers you problems, what stops you from having fun solving them.

Of course, there were nice things this week – some books arrived from Amazon (the local publishers are printing mostly schoolbooks (with a doubtful educational value)), I was able at last to buy an USB sound card that doesn’t have noise (Creative Xmod), which I need to test at Velin (who’s somewhere far away drinking) and in an hour it’s going to be officially autumn – my favourite season…

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