2004-04-23 02:43

by Vasil Kolev

A story, that some people are trying to make me tell, in Zhoro’s blog’s comments, and which is probably my biggest screw-up :)

It happened on one Stefan’s day (somewhere between Christmas and New Year), 1998 (or was it 1997?), we celebrated it in a friend, Stefan (blurmind, may he rest in peace) in Dobrich. There were a lot of people invited, some of them – from irc. I wanted to get really drunk because of some reason, and I killed a 3/4 bottle of gin in about half hour, after which some stuff happened, I logged somewhere, etc, but my memories really disappear. I (somewhat) remember that I lied on some balcony (some people said that is was for about 40 minutes), then they carried me to the taxis, to get home (I almost have gotten into a fight there, I haven’t seen that the taxi that I tried to sit in has already been busy). I somewhat had reached home (thanks, autopilot!), where I almost remember vomiting through the window, and that in about 4 in the morning my father checked my pulse. In the morning I found the hard way that I’ve puked all over my hair.
(this should give you a vague idea how drunk I’ve been)

The fun thing was, that I found that I’ve written some of my passwords in my notebook, that I carried then. I don’t have any recollection why and how I’ve done that, but the first thing I did was to call the office to have them changed… I heard that some people had the idea to use them in some way, but nobody did…thanks :)

Another funny moment – Rumen Svobodnikov was there, and I found out about that a few months later… I started really to hate gin then.

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