2008-06-07 hey…
by Vasil KolevSome times I wonder if the situation is so bad, or it’s just me…
(a side note – does someone know how should footnotes be put in a blog? ideas appreciated…)
I just finished reading the last issue of Capital (some time ago I had a hard time giving them money, e.g. subscribing to their electronic edition, it would be nice for them to clean up their act) and I started wondering if there’s anything in this state that it has done right?
One of the few places that something is somewhat being done is the National Revenue Agency, so now the people don’t compare declaring your revenue and paying taxes to repetitive anal sodomizaton. Even there, under all the pressure to do something (because without money the stat will die) they still have problems. For the rest, it starts to get scary when you start thinking about them …
We have Ministry of the interior (this is the extremely stupid official translation, should be Ministry of Internal Affairs) are protecting the crime instead of protecting FROM crime. They’re making attempts at reforming, which are mildly stated pathetic, at least the new minister is able to sound somewhat right (and someday we might find out exactly how much people do work there).
We also have Governmental Agency for Informational Technologies and Systems, who haven’t done anything useful.
We have tons of ministries and agencies that work like real-estate agencies.
We have a parliament and government which are trying to find the middle ground between reforms, anti-corruption for the European Union and that to keep their games and stealing alive.
We have BTC (which for me is still a state structure) which finally gave access (after a medium-sized fee, which is probably comparable to the profit from the ADSL customers for a month) to the ADSL infrastructure to other ISPs (which should’ve happened a few years ago, according to the priavatization contract), at prices, which makes you wonder what’s the point. Maybe the only good thing in this is that it will push the creation of more alternative routes.
We have one Sofia, in which the transport problem will be totally insufferable this September, which is drowning in dirt (thankfully, it rains sometimes), the construction is still tragic (where they build, what they build, etc), and…
This is the reason everyone here drinks – otherwise one question starts to get asked – “What the fuck am I still doing here?”, there’s no more the other question – “Can or can’t I go to these people and kick them out?”…
(small addition – I’m not going to talk on the education, as I don’t feel like really swearing)