2009-01-19 aims of the protest

by Vasil Kolev

Because two times in the comments of the previous post I got asked about the point of the protests and what comes next, let me explain my idea on the topic…

The explained goals are either to remove this government/parliament, so they stop doing stupid shit, or to make them do something useful under the pressure (which seems to somewhat be working, they’re at least simulating something). In fact, everyone can combine their efforts under the slogan “Do your job, damn it”.

The real aim of the protest at least in my opinion is different, and could have lasting effects, if it holds. The aim is to create in people’s heads the idea that they can change something, that they can pressure the government in a way that’s under some control. The more noise created, the bigger electoral effect and this way really the government might start listening to the people (which is lacking)
If we can reach this is another question. But I don’t really see another aim.

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