
by Vasil Kolev

Friday night, I’ve setup the new machine (called lain :) ), the old one is awaiting reinstallation with pure debian, and I don’t feel like starting. The first serious call of the neuralgia was half an hour ago, but seems like I’ve managed to control it.
(famous last words, as they say)

So I thought about finishing “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins – I started last night, went through the first 50-60 pages and had a lot of fun, and gave me some better arguments against religion (which he has definitely expressed better than me). I also found some of my ideas and where do I fit, then I decided to look into what the other side says. Their arguments were extremely laghable :)
(whomever is interested can look it in google, the criticism is harder to find, but it’s there).

The religion seems pretty fun to me. I can stand most of the religious people, but at some points I break… So I want just to put here my opinion (making it easier to send people a link to it).

God in the meaning of ALL monotheistic religions doesn’t exist. A being which created us, the world, made people do wars, etc. (documented in the “holy books”), suffering from things described in the psychiatry textbooks, seem what we think and wanting us to do EXACTLY as it wants (or we’re damned to eternal pain), and if we do what it wants – we’re doomed to eternal boredom.
To be honest, even if there’s such god (as impossible as it is), the most I would do is to swear at it once. It can be accepted as a reverse of Pascal’s wager (“we don’t know if there’s a god, but let’s believe just in case, as really bad stuff can happen”).
It’s possible that some kind of god that created the universe exists. In this case it shows in the laws of physics, etc., and we’re just a footnote :) And it definitely doesn’t matter in the end.

To end this, let me note how the three major religions (christianity, islam, judaism) are based on the same story/book, written pretty uncertainly and through the years cut and edited so it doesn’t really resemble the original, not the mention the tons of stuff nobody takes seriously. The lost from translation is not even worth mentioning (“the holy ghost” in the original is in female gender :) )

Probably I won’t finish Dawkins, the topic has managed to get tiresome.

(there’s a serious reason the harder off-topic section in anime.ludost to be called PPROC (politics, porn, religion and other crap)).
(also, dear religious fanatics, piss off. I accept only direct proofs, not “it looks like it, there’s no other way”)

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