2009-01-19 Money and de/stabilisation in Bulgaria 1949-1989

by Vasil Kolev

A week ago I finished reading “Money and de/stabilisation in Bulgaria 1948-1989” by Roumen Avramov. It can be taken as the full version of “The secret bankruptcies of the communism” by Hristo Hristov – a detailed examination of the economy, the processes in it ant the reasons for the problems. The book is written mostly based on documents from the open archive of the Bulgarian National Bank.

The style is not bad (e.g. it’s readable and not horribly boring), the information is detailed and clear, and the conclusions are fun …

It’s seen how through all the time there were people, who knew exactly what’s happening, a few times in the documents it’s seen how some people have rediscovered the methods of the market economy and the problems of the central planning one. There were different tries to do something, but all the reforms that could help would have lead to loosing of the control and weren’t favoured by the government.

The author does some pretty in-depth examinations of the two big economical crisis (the one around 1960 and the one around 1989, there’s another one between them, but was softened too much by our ability to resell Russian petrol), and there’s a good look on the different researches, publications, etc. from around 1989 on the topics of economics and the ways to fix it (and some prognosis, which turned out to be true, for example the needed devaluation of the lev, to fit the economy and the existing money supply).

I recommend this to everybody :) It was pretty helpful some time ago in a discussion on the topic of resource-based economy (and how it cannot survive), which I still haven’t finished…

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