
by Vasil Kolev

A few people reminded me that I’ve forgotten to write again. Looking at the dates, about two weeks (excluding some small stuff around facebook).

To start with – A LOT OF work. I’m working on some electronic payments (god help us, as we’re trying to use Bulgarian credit card processors, nobody has done it like for our case and it’s even scary at some moments. Not to mention the kinds of contracts I saw, no normal person would sign them.), SIP SIMPLE (which is everything else but simple, damn them), digging up documents from desks which are like elephant graveyards (e.g. the documents crawl there to die) and tons of other stuff I don’t feel like remembering…
(seriously, has nobody in this bloody country ran a business that relied on selling stuff to foreigners with credit cards, this is idiotic… it’s the second week I’ve been talking to the people who offer the services and it’s scary. I’ve already stopped talking to the banks, they’re idiots).
(seriously, who with his whole brain writes in the contract “you can’t accept transactions with stolen credit cards”. How the hell should I know which ones are stolen, you idiots, do I have a USB-connected crystal ball?)

So because of this Sunday I slept for 12 hours…

I’ve been advancing with playing Schism on the bass. From “I have no bloody idea how to do this” I’ve gotten to “I’m playing a little, parts, damn incompetent”. If Tool hear me, they’ll break my hands…
(and today Vorbe (who’s also a colleague) bought a starter kit with a normal electric guitar. Now the question is who is going to get drums, we’ll use chervarium as vocalist)
(also, I can see how stupid it is with my level of incompetence to try to play something so so complicated. Being stupid isn’t easy.)

I don’t have a lot of time for reading (because of laziness and gaming, now Dune2000. In the end I’ll delete it with the rest and will be done with it.).

I can also brag with some more accepted patches for opensips, let’s see if I’ll be fixing the database pool issues after they release 1.5..

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