
by Vasil Kolev


After two other drugs (gabanevral and Lirika) in the end they prescribed to me Tegretol. I got an explanation about the alcoholisation of the nerver and how it’s worse than having it cut (the explanation was pretty good, as I understood that alcoholisation leaves dead tissue, which the cutting doesn’t), and the nerve block lasts for two hours and can be done every other day. Damn it. Can’t I just find the code that passes signals to the brain and add some filter there to dampen the amplitudes of pain?
(and with this drug it seems that it’s a pretty bad idea to drink. But I still feel like testing it, honestly)

One of the idiocies I’m fighting with is the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (a customer of us uses it, and we need to make a test setup in the office as no service provider uses this crap – doesn’t scale well enough). I have this method for grading how well is something made – from how much time it takes me using normal means (like google, documentation, tinkering, strace) to get it to a minimal working state. In this regard CUCM is a piece of shit – the console interface lacks the full functionality, it’s one order of magnitude worse than the worst of their routers I’ve seen, the web interface is fascinating and split in 6 pieces, one of which kills the web interface and I have to wait for it to restart, and to be honest, I still haven’t made anything to register to it successfully. I finally started making it syslog somewhere else, to be able to see what’s happening. Seems like I’m close, but at some point I’ll just snap, boot it with init=/bin/bash and will install strace…
(Otherwise the great enterprise shit consists of tons of different things piled on a RHEL and connected with cord. It’s obvious how the design was made by incompetent programmers with no experience and grasp of reality in short term. I’m running this in a vmware (it’s a test version), only to have something to test with, as we’re definitely not buying a PC from Cisco for a lot of money).
At least it was raining today, so I could sit in the quiet in the meeting room, to listen to the piano concertos of Rachmaninov and to debug.
(there’s also another option – for me to be unable to think well, from the medicine or because I’m just stupid, but I tend to catch these (like when I do something extremely stupid, or when I fight something elementary for half a hour))

I also decided to run live streaming from my bass playing (turns out that my old sound card has a pretty nice input and almost no noise).The thing can be heard at alpha.ludost.net:8000/bass.ogg, I don’t stop the feed. I wondered if I should make some kind of notification when I start, but then I remembered, that not a lot of people would want to listen to my incompetent tries to play, so I’m just telling a few people directly, either through twitter or IM.
(seriously. I can’t play and I do this for fun. I’m not a modes person, don’t take my explanations that way :) )

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