
by Vasil Kolev

I know I haven’t blogged in 9 days, but I have an excuse – not like I don’t get ideas, but I always forget them. Today I got my tegretol dosage upped (the doctor said it can go up with 1/3 more), I have two weeks to take it and see what happens.

I have a few recordings at phoebe.ludost.net/arch, full with errors (of the playing, not of the encoding).

I found a weird case, in postgres acos(1) was giving input value out of range – turns out that in the float there there is more than one value that translates to “1”, and in the end the solution was a typecast to numeric(10,8). I HATE floating point crap.

I have a problem with debugging, I catch stuff with a few hours delay and I wonder what’s it from – lack of alcohol, tegretol, fatigue, or my brain has finally decided to make a hara-kiri, so I would stop making him do crap.
(and it might be because I and the girlfriend are trying the sleeping-in-the-same-bed bit and the sleeping is not one of the long parts…)
(I was also accused of my bed being too hard. It’s somewhat true, I’m thinking about a mattress…)

Around one cleaning at home to be able to move my bookcase they’ve taken from it most books, I don’t feel like thinking how will I arrange it. So, they’re still on the floor, I’ll think about them later :)
(“Procrastinators of the world, unite! tomorrow.”)

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