2004-06-14 22:03

by Vasil Kolev

Yesterday I fought all day with nagios’s extended info, and I failed. I tried everything, options of the configure script, editing the source, compilation with debug enabled (which failed – damn thing), it does fight back really well. Looks like I’ll have to submit a bug report.
Interesting, I tried the same configuration as the one on the demo site, and it didn’t work. I didn’t find the version they were using. It’s possible that this problem is debian-specific, but I’ll know that when I send the bug report.

In the evening we watched Highlander, now this films seems funny at some places, not like the time when I watched it for the first time.

Today was a day for some conversations with a student over email (blaaaah…), with the beginning of the writing of a plan for my second lecture for the Pravetz event (about which event I have to read carefully a mail from Slavka, she has some interesting ideas), and the getting back of my laundry from my previous apartment (week or two, and I’ll have a washing machine here). While returning, I bought a beer from the store, some bread, and some roasted ribs, and then I gave myself to the temptation of eating… Now I’m listening to Lacuna Coil (hm, how have I not heard them until now?), I’m finishing the beer, and while the people are watching the match, I’ll probably finish the plan. One more reason to be happy that I don’t have a TV, and that I gave my tuner to my brother :)

On the way I met Yovko, who was coming back from his office, and we talked a bit. It’s a pity, that he won’t be here for the Pravetz event, he’s the best lecturer for some of the topics :)
(e.g. on the topics “things that techies don’t find interesting enouhg… nasty people we are…:) )

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