by Vasil Kolev


At the OpenFest there will be a sparc, with a 17″ monitor, with Debian on it. I’ve even cleaned it up, because it’s age was measurable by the layers of dust on it :)

For a part of the day I was a companion of Yovko, to finish some tasks, one of which was the payment and the taking of the flayers, and because FSA hadn’t made the transfer, we had to buffer payment… It’s really good that I have backup in the debit card. And I really don’t envy him, he did 130 kilometers today…

MY T-shirt for OpenFest with the ‘Security’ labels is 2 sizes bigger than those that I wear (and I wear mostly baggy clothes). I intend to censor all the pictures that show me with it.

With Zhoro we touched up the presentations to look ok on the notebook – and did some work on mine, I again had used too many words and has written too much, it was really obvious at what hour I had made it…

Tomorrow in the early morning (8:80) Yovko will pick me up. Because of that, up until now I was hitting the punching bag to get tired, had a shower, and after I blog, I’m going to bed.

! Not to forget tomorrow to keep contact with Lirex through the day, to be aware of any crashes around marla, because a while ago there was some problem with their router…

(I want to apologize for the dismemberness of my thoughts in this posting, it’s just that my head is on fire, and I can’t see too well through the smoke.)

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