2005-03-02 19:59

by Vasil Kolev

Did I mention that it sucks to be sick?
(yes, this will be mostly ranting)

I got up wit 37.8 temperature, and in some way managed to get to the store for food (because I haven’t eaten a lot, and the neuralgia was calling) and to the pharmacy (turns out that there’s amidophen anywhere, and they gave me liquid analgin). I drank a dose of 2 aspirins, 2 liquid analgins, a fervex and a vitamin C, napped a little, and after that I tried to do something.

I managed to create a mailing list for Peio (good thing that it’s just 3-4 commands), and tried some reading. In my condition it’s awfully hard to concentrate on something and think. Now I’m thinking about Valery’s idea, to sweat a lot, to get a shower, to drink another such dose, and to sleep…

p.s. If someone is using gaim, and has problems with receiving messages from some clients (e.g. gaim says ” (There was an error receiving this message. The buddy you are speaking to most likely has a buggy client.)”), it can easily be fixed with a touching of a line in the source, if someone’s interested, I’ll upload a patch somewhere.

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