2005-03-15 23:07

by Vasil Kolev

Because of the course papers for the netsec course today I looked in the net for a good description of the cell-structured organization (used mostly by terrorists and resistances), and turned out to be a hard task, in the end I found something on the google groups – there was almost nothing in Wikipedia, I’m thinking about writing something (there’s already a good explanation in “The moon is a harsh mistress” by Heinlein, I can use some of it).

I went to Slaveykov for books, bought two, and when I got home, Aldim sent me a link to this pdf, which is somewhat connected to the topic of “No logo” and the movie “The corporation” (which had a really big audience, and most probably will have a second projection). Looks like I’ll have enough to read, and more are expected – next week “Night watch” bu Lukyanenko is expected to be released, next month – “Olympus” by Dan Simmons (hurray), let’s see when will I find the time to read them.

The things to do aren’t getting less – we’ll have have a projection this Saturday in the anime club, and in the same time I’m invited to a birthday that I’ll have to attend, if I don’t want some very bad things to happen to me, so I organized someone to take over the collecting of the equipment after wards, I”ll just install and setup it…

Bulgara’s album is delayed because of problems with the cover. DAMN!

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